Teaching Skills for Library Staff

Do you deliver sessions on information literacy?  Want ideas to make it more effective and interesting?  This session is for you.

A one-day course on Teaching Skills for Library Staff, run by Chris Powis, will be held on Thursday 15th November 2018 at the Leicester Creative Business Depot from 9.45 am to 4.30 pm.

The course which aims to build on participants’ current experiences of teaching information skills in libraries and learning centres, offers stimulating discussion and an excellent opportunity to share experiences.   If you are working with young people, students, small groups of library users or staff this course will help you develop your skills as a teacher and trainer.

Practical tips for teaching library users will be set within a theoretical framework of teaching and learning.

Places are now available and early booking is strongly recommended.

Please complete the booking form to reserve a place and return to LIEM by email: training@liem.org.uk.

Cost for participants from LIEM member organisations is £70.00 (£90.00 for non-members) and includes lunch and refreshments.


To enable participants to understand theories of teaching and learning and to map these on to their own experience of teaching.

To provide participants with strategies to plan, deliver, assess and evaluate their teaching activities.


At the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Be able to relate theories of teaching and learning to their experiences of teaching
  • Be able to plan a teaching and learning event
  • Be able to match appropriate teaching methods to learning needs
  • Have strategies to assess the effectiveness of their teaching
  • Have strategies to evaluate their teaching
Provisional outline programme for the day

 9.45 – 10.00               Coffee and registration

 10.00 – 10.10             Welcome and Introductions

10.10 – 11.30             The nature of teaching and learning

11.30 – 12.30             Planning your teaching

12.30 – 1.30               Lunch

1.30 – 3.00                Delivering & assessing your teaching

3.00 – 3.20                 Tea

3.20 – 3.50                When things go wrong!

3.50 – 4.00                Getting feedback on your teaching

4.00 – 4.15                Final Plenary

About the facilitator

 Chris Powis is Head of Library and Learning Services at the University of Northampton.

Chris is a National Teaching Fellow and wrote this programme with Jo Webb. He has delivered this programme to a wide range of audiences across the UK, Hungary, Slovakia and Finland. Chris and Jo wrote Teaching Information Skills: Theory and Practice, published by Facet in 2004 and 101 Tips for Information Literacy Teaching (with Helen Blanchett), published in November 2011 by Facet. 

Developing Exciting and Memorable Training

Do you fear how little your learners actually remember?

Do you want to pass on information and knowledge effectively?

Do you know how to gauge the learning style of each of your learners?

If so this workshop is for you.

This is a one day workshop to help people identify what makes training enjoyable, memorable and something that people can take back into their workplaces and use with confidence.

Every individual learns differently but if we’re going to have them all in one room on training courses we need to understand them and be skilled in finding innovative and varied ways to deliver training and engage people in learning.

The workshop will cover:

  • Using presentation tools effectively – no more death by PowerPoint!
  • Understanding how people learn
  • Developing ‘brain friendly’ exercises that help people learn and retain learning most   effectively
  • Managing challenging learners

By the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Understand how different people learn
  • Have some clarity about how best to use PowerPoint
  • Have developed techniques for identifying engaging exercises and activities
  • Have investigated techniques to manage changing agendas and challenging participants

The workshop includes a pre-work questionnaire on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and a commitment to review the learning and how it can be implemented for six months following the event.

Facilitator: Carol Brooks

Derby Conference Centre – Tuesday 16th October 2018 – 0915 – 1630

Costs: £100 (LIEM Member); £120 (non LIEM Member)

About the facilitator

Carol Brooks is a learning specialist who runs Chrysalis Development and is a ‘Brain Friendly’ Trainer. She has facilitated this workshop on a number of occasions with some superb feedback. A Fellow of CILIP she has worked with libraries for over 40 years.

Feedback from January 2018

“Thank you for organising such a pleasant and informative day. It was very nice to have a chance to share ideas and experiences with a very pleasant bunch of colleagues working in similar fields, to and to learn a lot of new information that is not only interesting theoretically but also of immediate practical application.”

“A really fun, interesting day which I enjoyed very much, both for its content which was thought provoking and gave me some excellent ideas to take away and try with my students, but also in terms of the networking and chance to share ideas with colleagues working in related areas to my own. The trainer was very engaging and warm. A very worthwhile experience.”

“I found the session was very useful and different than any other training I’ve had. I took with me lots of ideas to be implemented in my sessions and some are quite easy to implement.”

“I’ve just finished a week block of teaching using the new skills you taught me, and the results were outstanding.

I tried as hard as I could – with the time available – to appeal to as many styles as possible.

And here is the amazing thing: when I’ve taught block before [5 consecutive days] although they enjoy day 1 – it is tiring and by the end of day 2 they want to kill you and it gets progressively worse as the week progresses.

BUT last week, having enjoyed day 1 – Monday they came back on Tuesday full of beans and were still buzzing on Wednesday afternoon.

I’ve never had an experience like it in the 10 years I’ve been teaching.

I can’t thank you enough, not just for me, but for helping my students get more out of their studies.”

About the venue

The Derby Conference Centre is easy to access by car, rail and bus. http://thederbyconferencecentre.com/

To book go to http://www.liemhttps://www.liem.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Teaching-Skills-Application-form-Nov-2018.docx               complete the form and return it to training@inspire.org.uk

For any further information contact Carol on training@inspire.org.uk